Transitioning to Industry
We're undergoing restructuring and transforming the purpose of this group. Going from gaming community to digital publisher was an interesting twist. We're evolving once more toward the arena of commercial games. While that goal will take some time to bring
Relinquishing the Gaming Community
Our game design hub has been unique in that it was at one point also a game server provider for a player-managed gaming community, and those were our roots. In a prior age, whence we originated, FXGaming would host these
Sven Co-op Servers to Close
The ES Gaming Servers for Sven Co-op are scheduled to close down some time near the end of 2019. It's no secret that Sven Co-op is slowly but surely dying (for all practical purposes), nor is it one that most of
WORM Minigame Servers to be Released
Development of WORM, the server-side mod for Half-Life will come to a close at the end of this year. Around that period of time minigame servers showing various tools and features in WORM will be hosted for public consumption for
Reviews Launch
We're working on launching a game review catalog as a separate part of our little network. We're open to the usage of media as well, so video reviews are acceptable. However, there are some guidelines so don't be too quick